Lyme Disease - Cause - Symptoms - Diagnosis - Treatment - Lyme ... page with links to news, information, and support for patients with
Lyme disease.

  • Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease characterized by a skin rash, joint inflammation, and flu-like symptoms, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted by the bite of a deer tick

  • Secondary Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease characterized by cardiac and neurological symptoms caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted by the bite of a deer tick

  • Chronic persistent Lyme disease is a late stage of an inflammatory disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted by the bite of a deer tick

  • Erythema chronicum migrans is the initial lesion of Lyme disease, and often appears at the site of the infecting tick bite

  • Tertiary Lyme disease is a late, persistant inflammatory disease characterized by skin changes, neurological and musculoskeletal symptoms caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted by the bite of a deer tick

  • Lyme disease is an acute inflammatory disease characterized by skin changes, joint inflammation and flu-like symptoms caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted by the bite of a deer tick

  • Poisoning from the bite of a tick

    New Vaccine Targets Lyme Disease: New Hope for Diminishing 'Great ...
    An article from the FDA Consumer Magazine.

  • In December 1998, the Food and Drug Administration licensed the first vaccine to help prevent Lyme disease, a bacterial infection transmitted by tick bites

  • But unlike typical antibodies that fight the bacteria in a person's body, animal experiments suggest that when a tick bites a vaccinated person, the vaccine-induced antibodies enter the tick and kill the bacteria there

  • The Bite of a Tiny Tick The most common carrier of Lyme disease in the United States is the deer tick (so named for its dependency on deer to reach the adult stage of its complex, two-year life cycle), or black-legged tick

  • burgdorferi, enters the skin at the site of a bite and migrates until it penetrates the bloodstream

  • It usually takes at least 36 hours following a tick bite for the bacterium to be transmitted, so early removal of attached ticks is very important

  • Telltale Rash Not the Whole Story Early-stage Lyme disease is usually marked by a telltale skin rash called erythema migrans, which appears three days to one month after the tick bites

  • It starts as a small red spot at the site of the bite

  • Although early Lyme disease almost always responds to appropriate antibiotic therapy, if untreated or inadequately treated, the condition can progress weeks, months or years after the tick bite to late Lyme disease, which is characterized by distinctive arthritic, neurologic and cardiac problems

    Fighting Fleas and Ticks
    Article from the US Food and Drug Administration about treating fleas and ticks.

  • They may also cause some discomfort due to possible allergic flea bite dermatitis." Ticks, those other dreaded bloodsuckers, pose greater risk, annually giving pets and thousands of people illnesses such as Lyme disease

  • The main problem with fleas--itching--is due not only to their bites, but also to their crawling over the skin

  • Other flea bite problems and their symptoms include: anemia in young, older or ill pets--pale gums, weakness, lethargy transmission of tapeworm to pets--irritability, erratic appetite, shaggy coat, mild diarrhea, weight loss, seizures transmission by rodent fleas of plague to cats--fever, swollen lymph nodes, mouth sores, swollen tongue, cough, pneumonia

  • Also, some pets are extremely allergic to flea bites

  • The label, he says, directs users to place the tubes containing the cotton balls in outdoor areas inhabited by mice, such as brush-covered and wooded areas

  • Make sure you've cleaned your hands, the bite site, and the tweezers with disinfectant

  • Make sure you've cleaned your hands, the bite site, and the tweezers with disinfectant

    NJDHSS, Communicable Disease Service: Measles
    Basic information, and a fact sheet to download.

  • The bacterium is transmitted to humans via a tick bite

  • Within 1 to 2 weeks after being infected, a "bull's-eye" rash can develop at the tick bite site accompanied by fever, headache, and muscle or joint pain

  • How is Lyme disease spread? The spirochete which causes Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick, which is a “vector” for the disease

  • What are the symptoms of Lyme disease? Within days to weeks following a tick bite, 60-80% of persons becoming infected will have a red, slowly expanding “bulls-eye” rash (called erythema migrans), accompanied by general tiredness, fever, headache, stiff neck, muscle aches, and joint pain

  • How soon do symptoms occur? The red "bull's-eye" rash (erythema migrans) usually appears 7 to 14 days following the tick bite

  • How long is an infected person infectious to others? Lyme disease is spread only by the bite of an infected tick

  • How can Lyme disease be prevented? You can reduce your risk by taking these precautions to avoid tick bites, or to safely remove a tick if you are bitten: Avoid wooded areas with dense shrubs and leaf litter, where ticks like to hide

  • info: DEER TICK BITE

    Photo by

    Postgraduate Medicine: Patient Notes: Tick-borne illness
    Factsheet on preventing tick borne disease.

    eMedicine - Tick-Borne Diseases, Introduction : Article by ...
    Article by Jonathan A Edlow, MD.

  • In addition, Ixodes ticks secrete anticoagulant, immunosuppressive, and anti-inflammatory substances into the area of the tick bite

  • A single tick bite can transmit multiple pathogens, a phenomenon that has led to atypical presentations of some classic tick-borne diseases

  • In North America, the following diseases are caused by tick bites: Lyme disease, human granulocytic and monocytic ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, relapsing fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Colorado tick fever, tularemia, Q fever, and tick paralysis

  • Most tick bites do not result in transmission of infection; in the case of Lyme disease for example, only about 2-3% of all persons bitten by Ixodes scapularis ticks in endemic areas develop Lyme disease

  • In fact, one study suggests that repeated tick bites may actually protect against Lyme disease, possibly due to developed hypersensitivity from the prior bites of uninfected ticks

  • These ticks generally feed for many days, a fact that has some bearing on the treatment of tick bites

  • These are environmental, personal, and prophylactic (after a tick bite has occurred)

  • Gloves should be worn when removing ticks, and the bite site should be thoroughly disinfected with alcohol or another skin antiseptic solution

    Lyme Disease and Tick Management (001)
    University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension factsheet and audio on ticks and
    Lyme disease, including images of several tick species and life stages.

  • Educational Resource Guide #01 Lyme Disease and Tick Management by Barb Ogg, Ph.D., Extension Educator Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria that is carried and transmitted through bites from several species of ticks

  • Early signs of the disease include: a red rash which expands in concentric circles outward from the tick bite producing a 'bulls-eye' effect

    Lyme Disease News
    Latest news stories on the disease.

  • Go to the Thursday Aug 17 | News Channel 9 | 12 hrs ago | LymeBlog News and Personal Stories People with Lyme : Father's love revealed through fight for son's life Father's love revealed through fight for son's life The Friday | LymeBlog News and Personal Stories People with Lyme : Advocate Warns of Lyme Disease in Tennessee Although the cause of Governor Bredeson's ailment has not been confirmed, speculation is that a tick bite was the culprit

  • Benefits

    Photo by

    Tick Tick
    Tiny bug, big trouble: Why the Lyme disease controversy is tearing the medical
    community apart.

    Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI) - CDC Division of ...
    Detailed information from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on
    this recently discovered disease, which is similar to Lyme disease.

    Medmicro Chapter 35
    Scientific and medical information about the spirochete and the diseases it causes.

  • Pathogenesis Borrelia is transmitted by tick or louse bites

  • Spirillum Clinical Manifestations Spirillum causes rat bite fever , with ulceration at the site of the bite, lymphadenopathy, rash, and a relapsing fever

  • Pathogenesis Spirillum is transmitted by the bite of an infected rat

  • Epidemiology Rat bite fever occurs worldwide but is most common in Asia

  • Spirillum minum causes one type of rat bite fever, which is characterized by recurrent fever

  • These ticks often obtain their blood meal at night, and because the tick bite is usually painless and feedings are short (5 to 20 minutes), people may not be aware of having been bitten

  • These spirochetes in the salivary and coxal secretions enter the host through the bite wound while the tick is feeding (less than 1 minute may be required for transmission)

    Medmicro Chapter 38
    Scientific and medical information on the organisms and the diseases they cause.

  • Pathogenesis Rickettsia and Orientia species are transmitted by the bite of infected ticks or mites or by the feces of infected lice or fleas

  • Pathogenesis A reservoir of E chaffeensis is deer, and for both human monocytic and granulocytic ehrlichiosis are transmitted when ticks bite human skin and inoculate organisms, which then spread by the bloodstream

  • The etiology was traced to R akari transmitted by the bite of mites ( Liponyssoides sanguineus ) that infested the numerous mice in an apartment house in this area

  • Boutonneuse fever, so called because of the papular rash in some cases, has many synonyms, reflecting different geographic regions of occurrence (e.g., Mediterranean spotted fever, Kenya tick typhus, and South African tick bite fever)

  • Cutaneous necrosis caused by rickettsial vascular infection at the tick bite site of inoculation, known as an eschar or tache noire, is observed in only half the patients with boutonneuse fever

  • Pathogenesis Rickettsiae are transmitted to humans by the bite of infected ticks and mites and by the feces of infected lice and fleas


    Ehrlichiosis Facts
    Newly discovered rickettsial diseases transmitted by ticks. Includes symptoms,
    treatment, and prevention.

  • How do people get ehrlichiosis? People get ehrlichiosis from the bite of an infected tick

  • How soon after exposure do symptoms appear? Symptoms usually appear 3 to 16 days after a tick bite

  • You can reduce your risk by taking these precautions against tick bites: During outside activities, wear long sleeves and long pants tucked into socks

  • Repellents containing the compound DEET can be used on exposed skin except for the face, but they do not kill ticks and are not 100% effective in preventing tick bites

    Lyme Disease Facts
    Factsheet with cause, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, complications, treatment,
    and prevention.

  • Lyme Disease Lyme disease is a rapidly emerging bacterial infection that is spread to people by the bite of infected ticks

  • To prevent Lyme disease: 1) protect yourself from tick bites, 2) remove attached ticks promptly, and 3) get early diagnosis and treatment

  • What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease is an infection transmitted by the bite of certain, very small, infected ticks

  • Lyme disease is passed to humans and other animals when a tick infected with the bacterium bites the person or animal and stays attached long enough (usually more than 36 hours) to take a blood meal

  • What are the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease? The early stage of Lyme disease is usually marked by one or more of these signs and symptoms: Tiredness Chills and fever Headache Muscle and/or joint pain Swollen lymph glands A characteristic skin rash, called erythema migrans The skin rash is a red circular patch about 2 inches in diameter that appears and expands around the site of the tick bite

  • What complications can result from Lyme disease? Persons who did not have or did not recognize the early symptoms and who did not receive treatment can end up with serious complications: Arthritis (swelling and pain) in the large joints, which can recur over many years Nervous system problems, such as numbness, meningitis (fever, stiff neck, and severe headache), and Bell's palsy (paralysis of the facial muscles, usually on one side) Irregularities of the heart rhythm How soon after exposure do symptoms appear? Early symptoms can develop within a week to a few weeks of the tick bite

    Tick-Borne Disease Education
    Directory of factsheets, articles, and educational materials.

  •   (April 2006, 2 pages, pdf format)  (Description, geographic distribution, ecology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention)   (May 2002, 1 page, pdf format)  (Basic facts about DEET and permethrin repellents, other personal protective techniques) (April 2006, 2 pages, pdf format) (Description, history, prevalence, ecology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention)   (November 2005, 2 pages, pdf format)(Photos and information on the three most common tick species that bite people, their life stages, the diseases they can cause, and prevention)  (April 2006, 2 pages, pdf format) (Description, ecology, prevalence, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention)   (April 2006, 2 pages, pdf format)  (Description, ecology, epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention)

    Short scientific article with bibliography on the disease in humans and animals.

  • Eight of the 12 Duluth patients had a history of tick bite by either Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick) or Ixodes scapularis (black-legged tick, a.k.a

    THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 13, Ch. 157, Bacterial Diseases
    Brief factsheets on spirochetal diseases.

  • The spirochetes are not transmitted directly to man; when the louse is crushed, they are released and enter abraded skin or bites

  • Ticks acquire the spirochetes from rodents acting as reservoirs; humans are infected when spirochetes in the tick's saliva or coxal fluid (excreta) enter the skin as the tick bites

  • (Acridine orange stain for examining blood or tissue is more sensitive than Wright's or Giemsa stain for peripheral blood smears.) Because the tick feeds transiently and painlessly at night, most patients do not give a history of tick bite, but may report an overnight exposure to caves or rustic dwellings

  • burgdorferi enters the skin at the site of the tick bite

  • Symptoms and Signs Erythema migrans, the hallmark and best clinical indicator of Lyme disease, develops in at least 75% of patients, beginning as a red macule or papule, usually on the proximal portion of an extremity or on the trunk (especially the thigh, buttock, or axilla), between 3 and 32 days after a tick bite

  • On skin biopsy, erythema migrans resembles an insect bite--epidermal and dermal involvement at the center (which is often indurated), dermal in the periphery

    British Lyme Disease Foundation
    Mark Greenfield is a sufferer of Lyme disease and has a useful single page site
    with information and links.

  • I was lucky enough to find some excellent information on tick bite prevention specifically aimed at the UK, kindly provided by Arun District Council and Dr.David Hagen who is a consultant in public health for the area

  • If you take one piece of information away from this site it should be: Lyme Disease MUST be diagnosed with the aid of clinical symptoms (up to 50% of sufferers do not remember the tick bite or any specific bulls-eye rash) current ELISA and 'Western Blot' blood tests are simply not reliable enough for a definitive diagnosis

    Latest Breaking Health News & Information:
    UPI article on a new tick-borne ailment of the southern United States that has
    been dubbed Master's disease or Southern tick-associated rash illness.

  • Telford thinks there 'may be multiple causes of Master's disease, ' including a reaction to the tick bite itself, a new species of bacteria or some other unrecognized agent

    First Aid for Animal Bites - American Institute for Preventive ...
    Preventive measures and treatments. From the American Institute of Preventive Medicine.

  • First Aid for Animal Bites © The most common animal bites in the United States are from dogs, cats and other humans in that order

  • Less common, but often more dangerous, are bites from skunks, raccoons, bats and other animals that live in the wild

  • The health risks of an animal bite depends on the animal and how severe the bite is

  • Bleeding Infection Lyme Disease - a bacterial infection spread by deer tick bites Lockjaw - painful, persistent stiffness of the jaw due to a toxin which can be prevented with up- to-date tetanus immunizations In the United States, particularly in the northeastern states, skunks, raccoons, bats and foxes are the main carriers of rabies

  • Rabid animals can show these signs: strange behavior such as activity by day for animals that are normally active by night agitation, lack of fear of humans foaming at the mouth Anti-venom treatment is available for poisonous snake bites at emergency medical facilities

  • It needs to be given within four hours after the bite

  • Prevention Here are some ways to prevent animal bites: Never leave a small child alone with a dog or cat, even if it's a puppy or kitten

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